I had the chance to catch up with Cat just the other day and although a well-known star who spends most of her time in New York City ("I'm a New York girl," she says), she's still as down-to-earth as ever. So how does she find time to herself? "When I have time, I take it," she says. "I love what I do so it doesn't drain me, it energizes me." And her fav way to relax? Watching TV in bed with her dogs, of course!
Cat developed Cat Cosmetics seven years ago after her experience as a makeup artist (her brother is a prominent hair colorist in Beverly Hills), and since then it's really taken off. Celebrity makeup artist Bruce Wayne uses the "Smolder" shadow/liner duo on celebs like Miley Cyrus, Vanessa Hudgens and Kristin Chenowith. And let me tell you, I love this stuff - a guilty pleasure for your eyes! I've been using this product over and over again. Because it's a duo, it's so handy having them both on the same stick, and the outcome is fantastic. It creates the perfect smokey eye that really glides on smooth. Once it's on, you can smudge away and play with it until you've achieved the perfect look. And Cat's very own fav product? The "Rich" lip gloss because it's the perfect shade of golden pink. "It lights up anyone's face in no more than five seconds. It makes a world of difference."
And her book? I'm not single, but this book is such a great read for all the single ladies (yes, Beyonce's tune pops into my head too!). The 30-Day Heartbreak Cure is a step-by-step daily life guide inspired by one of Cat's own personal break-ups more than 20 years ago after she realized she wasn't functioning well and was continuing to stare blankly at the calendar on the kitchen wall. She realized it was time to do something - time to set goals. A bit of her advice? Don't take yourself too seriously - get out there and have fun. "[Being happy] is not just a state of mind - it really is important to be with people who love you," she says.
For more of Cat's advice on life and love, you can find her book on Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com, or major bookstores across the country.
P.S. Of course, I had to ask Cat if she preferred heels or flats. Her answer? "I'm wearing 5-inch heels as we speak, and I rarely wear flats. High heels are where it's at." And you wonder why I like her? ;)
[Photo Courtesy PMK HBH]
I find her parting comment very satisfying. I really like that there are some women who really enjoy wearing high heels. Despite the pain women endure. Despite the impracticality of the shoes. High heels are truly where it's at.